Bonnie Cashin
American, 1907–2000

Dog Leash Skirt, Shawl, and Cardigan 1957
Mohair wool, leather, and cashmere
The Bonnie Cashin Archive, Stephanie Lake Collection
The Functional Fashions line also highlighted pieces not specifically designed for disabled bodies but that met this need in novel ways. Most notable were American sportswear pioneer Bonnie Cashin’s iconic designs, including her signature ponchos and this well-known Dog Leash Skirt. Her goal was radical for the era: to design high-style, unrestrictive clothing for modern women. While Cashin designed this skirt, which first appeared in Harper’s Bazaar in 1957, for a single purpose—to navigate stairs with martinis and canapés occupying both hands—Functional Fashions republished it in 1963 as a sophisticated solution for women with limited mobility.