• thinking these will swap positions on grids that change depending on the
size of the browser and device and go to a 4 column grid when the tablets
smaller screen size is detected. I guess they just stack on a phone?
They will get kind of tiny if this page with 5 across scales as it is. Do you
have any other suggestions?
• Currently they roll over to their titles. The mouse overs aren’t working
here though I did put them in. Also open to suggestions on how to make
the titles show.
Do you remember the landing pages for the journals where we put the
little tab of the year the issue came out on the lower left? But that won’t
work here . . . the titles are too long is it possible for them to swap out
on tap with their titles then on tap again go to the opening page of the
Oh and this would save a pile of time: Could you make it so that when we
add one to this page it ads automatically to the fist box on the page. :-)
Or we could use a numbering system that would put the highest number