Figure 57  Dish fragments, William Rogers, Yorktown, Virginia, 1720–1745. Slipware. (Courtesy, National Park Service, Colonial National Historical Park, Yorktown Collection.) COLO Y 11490, COLO Y 11450, COLO Y 11854, COLO Y 11566, COLO Y 11853. A number of fragments from large, wide-rimmed low dishes with flat bases were recovered from the site. This form is usually slip-decorated but sometimes plain. The method of slip decoration includes trailing, combing, and marbleizing. These dishes range in diameter from 10–15" (with the majority being 14") and are about 2" high. They have a red to pinkish body, with glazed pieces usually yellow in color. The interior is lead-glazed. No examples of this important ceramic type have ever been found outside of the immediate pottery site.