Detail of the front cover of the Christian M. Nestell Drawing Book, New York City, 1811–1812. Ink on paper boards with leather. 15 5/16" x 10". (Courtesy, Winterthur Museum Library.)
Advertisement of Christian M. Nestell, Providence Patriot, Providence, Rhode Island, February 26, 1820. (Courtesy, University of Delaware Library.)
Detail of the Daniel Anthony map of Providence, Rhode Island, 1823. Engraving on paper. 23 1/2" x 33 5/8". (Courtesy, Rhode Island Historical Society Library.)
Photograph of Christian M. Nestell. Frontispiece of Nestell Lodge, No. 37, A.F. and A.M., Providence, Rhode Island, Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration, 1880–1930 (Providence: By the lodge, 1930). (Courtesy, Rhode Island Historical Society Library.)
Page 54 (top) of the Nestell Drawing Book.
Page 5 (top) of the Nestell Drawing Book.
Detail from William Faden, A Map of the Inhabited Part of Canada, London, 1777. Engraving on paper. 23 5/8" x 34 7/16". (Courtesy, Winterthur Museum.)
Page 73 (top) of the Nestell Drawing Book.
Detail of plate 1 of the “Accompaniment” to Thomas Sheraton, The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Drawing-Book, London, 1793. (Courtesy, Winterthur Museum Library.)
Page 23 of the Nestell Drawing Book.
Page 15 (top) of the Nestell Drawing Book.
Detail of plate 3 of the “Accompaniment” to Thomas Sheraton, The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Drawing-Book, London, 1793. (Courtesy, Winterthur Library.)
Detail of plate 3 of the “Accompaniment” to Thomas Sheraton, The Cabinet-Maker and Upholsterer’s Drawing-Book, London, 1793. (Courtesy, Winterthur Library.)
Page 20 of the Nestell Drawing Book.
Page 49 (top) of the Nestell Drawing Book.
Page 42 of the Nestell Drawing Book.
Page 74 of the Nestell Drawing Book.
Page 14 of the Nestell Drawing Book.
Page 13 of the Nestell Drawing Book.
Detail of the right crest panel of a fancy settee, probably northeastern Massachusetts, 1810–1820. Maple, mulberry, ash, birch, and hickory. H. 34", W. 66 1/2" , D. 19". (Courtesy, Winterthur Museum.)
Fancy armchair, New York City, 1810–1820. Maple and yellow poplar. H. 35", W. 20", D. 16". (Courtesy, Winterthur Museum.)
Detail of the center panel on the skirt of the card table illustrated in fig. 86.