Jacob Wendell house, Pleasant Street, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, built 1789. Photograph by Lafayette Newell and Co., ca. 1902. (Wendell Collection; Image courtesy of Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.)
Front hallway, Wendell house. Photograph by Lafayette Newell and Co., ca. 1902. (Wendell Collection; Image courtesy of Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.)
Dining room, Wendell house. Photograph by Arthur T. Greenwood, August 1887. (Courtesy, Ronald Bourgeault.)
Dining room, Wendell house. Photograph, ca. 1900. (Wendell Collection; Image courtesy of Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.)
Dining room, Wendell house. Photograph by Lafayette Newell and Co., ca. 1902. (Wendell Collection; Image courtesy of Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.)
Dining room, Wendell house. Photograph by Douglas Armsden, ca. 1940. (Wendell Collection; Image courtesy of Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.)
Parlor, Wendell house. Photograph by Lafayette Newell and Co., ca. 1902. (Wendell Collection; Image courtesy of Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.)
Parlor, Wendell house. Photograph by Lafayette Newell and Co., ca. 1902. (Wendell Collection; Image courtesy of Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.)
Parlor, Wendell house. Photograph by Douglas Armsden, ca. 1940. (Wendell Collection; Image courtesy of Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.)
Parlor chamber, Wendell house. Photograph by Lafayette Newell and Co., ca. 1902 (Wendell Collection; Image courtesy of Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.)
John Wendell (1737—1820). Taken from a modern photograph of a drawing (current location unknown) dated 1791. (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
High chest of drawers, New England, probably Massachusetts, 1700—1730. Walnut, walnut veneer, and maple with pine. H. 65 1/2", W. 39 3/4, D. 22 1/4. (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Stretcher-base table, probably Portsmouth, 1740—1780. Maple and pine. H. 27", W. 54", D. 36". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmoutn, New Hampshire; gift of Richard L. Mills; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
China table attributed to Robert Harrold, Portsmouth, 1760—1775. Mahogany with soft maple and eastern white pine. H. 27 1/4", W. 35 9/16", D. 23 3/8". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Side table, Portsmouth, 1760—1777. Mahogany with birch. H. 37", W. 60 3/4", D. 27 1/4". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; lent by Ronald Bourgeault; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Pair of armchairs, Portsmouth, 1760—1775. Mahogany with birch. H. 40 1/2", W. 27", D. 23". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der oude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Card table (one of a pair), Portsmouth, 1760—1775. Mahogany with eastern white pine, red pine, and birch. H. 27 5/8", W 35 5/16, D. 17 3/16".(Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Side chair, Portsmouth, 1760—1790. Birch and maple. H. 35 1/2", W. 21 5/8", D. 16 3/8". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Fan-back Windsor side chair (one of a set of six), branded by Joseph Henzey (b. I743), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, I775—I790. Hickory, white oak, yellow poplar, and soft maple. H. 36 5/8 ", W. 22 7/8", D. I6". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Kenneth E. and Evelyn S. Barrett; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Box, with three drawers, probable Portsmouth, ca. 1770. Walnut with eastern white pine. H. 14 5/8", W. 11 15/16", D. 17 1/4". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Jacob Wendell (1788—1865). Taken from a modern photograph of a crayon portrait by Seth Wells Cheney (1810—1856) of Boston, ca. 1854. (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Chest of drawers, attributed to Langley Boardman (1774—1833), Portsmouth, 1795—1810. Mahogany with eastern white pine. H. 35 3/4", W. 43", D. 22 7/8". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der VVoude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Card table (one of a pair), by Judkins and Senter (fl. 1808—1826), Portsmouth, 1816. Mahogany, mahogany veneer, and rosewood veneer with eastern white pine, birch, and white oak. H. 30", W 37", D. 18". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Sofa, by Judkins and Senter, Portsmouth, 1816. Mahogany with beech, birch, eastern white pine, and ash. H. 35 5/8 ", W. 73 3/4 ", D. 24 1/4. (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Detail of sofa illustrated in fig. 24. (Photo, New Hampshire Historical Society.)
Sideboard, by Judkins and Senter (fl. 1808—1826), Portsmouth, 1815. Mahogany, mahogany veneer, birch veneer, bird's-eve maple veneer, Casuarina spp. veneer, and light and dark-wood inlays, with eastern white pine, basswood, yellow birch, and unidentified tropical hardwood. H. 43", W. 70 1/2", D. 22 l/8". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Lolling chair, Portsmouth, 1815—1825. Mahogany with soft maple and eastern white pine. H. 44", W. 26 3/8". D. 21 3/8". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Lolling chair, Portsmouth, 1810—1820. Mahogany and birch veneer with soft maple, beech, and eastern white pine. H. 44", W. 22 1/2", D. 18 1/4". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Desk, Portsmouth, 1810—1820. Mahogany, mahogany veneer, birch veneer, and rosewood veneer with eastern white pine. H. 34 1/4", W. 30", D. 17 7/8". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Desk illustrated in fig. 29 in open position. (Image courtesy of Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.) Photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Card table, Portsmouth, 1820—1825. Mahogany with eastern white pine, basswood, and birch. H. 31", W. 36 1/2", D. 18 1/4". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Dressing table and dressing glass, Portsmouth (table) and England or Portsmouth (glass), 1815—1825. Mahogany and mahogany veneer with pine. (Table), H. 37 3/4", W. 39 1/4", D. 18 1/4"; (glass), H. 21 1/4", W. 15 1/4", D. 7 7/8". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
High-post bedstead, Massachusetts, probably Boston or Salem, 1800—1810, with later cornice, ca. 1830. Mahogany, mahogany veneer, and light- and dark-wood inlay with pine. H. 88 3/4, W 56 11/16", D. 79". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Bedchamber, Wendell house. Photograph by Lafayette Newell and Co., ca. 1902. (Wendell Collection; Image courtesy of Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.)
Double settee, Portsmouth, ca. 1815. Sweet gum, soft maple, birch, and hickory. H. 35", W. 45 3/4", D. 18". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Triple settee, New York City, 1816. Hickory, yellow poplar, soft maple, and ash. H. 34", W. 71 5/8", D. 19 3/4". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Armchair, New York City, 1816. Hickory, yellow poplar, soft maple, and ash. H. 33 3/8", W. 19 3/4", D. 16 1/8". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Side chair (detail), New York City, 1816. Hickory, yellow poplar, soft maple, and ash. H. 33 5/8", W. 18", D. 16 1/8". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Windsor side chair, Portsmouth, 1815—1820. Later painted decoration by George N. Porter (fl. 1856—1867), Portsmouth, 1856—1860. Birch, eastern white pine, and soft maple. H. 34", W. 15 3/4, D. 15 1/4 ". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Stenciled label of George N. Porter on bottom of chair illustrated in fig. 39 (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Canterbury, by James C. Brown, Portsmouth, 1846 (before restoration). Mahogany and mahogany veneer with eastern white pine. H. 21", W. 20", D. 17". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; gift of Gerrit van der Woude; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Patent timepiece, by Simon Willard (1753—1848), with painting by John R. Penniman (1782—1841), Boston, Massachusetts, 1811. Mahogany, gilded wood, and glass. H. 43", W. 10 1/2", D. 4". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; lent by Ronald Bourgeault; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Chest of drawers, Portsmouth, 1815—1820. Mahogany and mahogany veneer with eastern white pine. H. 39", W. 45", D. 20". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; lent by Ronald Bourgeault; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Back of chest of drawers illustrated in fig. 43. ((Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; Photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Dining table, Portsmouth, 1810—1820. Mahogany with birch. H. 29 1/4", W. (open) 67 1/2", W. (closed) 17 1/2", D. 56". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; lent by Ronald Bourgeault; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)
Cradle, Portsmouth, 1810—1820. Mahogany with pine. H. 26 1/2", W 38", D. 23 1/2". (Strawbery Banke Museum, Portsmouth, New Hampshire; lent by Ronald Bourgeault; photo, Bruce Alexander Photography.)