Desk-and-bookcase associated with John Goddard, Newport, Rhode Island, ca. 1761. Mahogany with maple, poplar, red cedar, white pine, and yellow poplar. H. 96 1/2", W. 45 13/16", D. 26". (Courtesy, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, bequest of Martha B. Lisle; photo, Gavin Ashworth.)
Figure 2
Detail of the bookcase interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle; Photo, Gavin Ashworth.)
Figure 3
Detail of the desk interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle; photo, Gavin Ashworth.)
Figure 4
Infrared photograph of the inscription on the back of a drawer in the writing compartment of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. (Courtesy of Historic New England.)
Figure 5
Infrared photograph of the inscription on the side of a drawer in the writing compartment of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. (Courtesy of Historic New England.)
Figure 6
Jonas Bergner, John Goddard’s house and shop, Newport, Rhode Island, before 1870. Watercolor on paper. (Courtesy, Newport Historical Society.)
Figure 7
Desk-and-bookcase, Newport, Rhode Island, 1760–1770. Mahogany with maple, red cedar, white pine, and yellow poplar. H. 97 7/8", W. 45 3/8", D. 25 1/2". (Courtesy, Winterthur Museum.)
Figure 8
Detail of the interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 7.
Figure 9
Desk-and-bookcase, Newport, Rhode Island, 1755–1770. Mahogany with chestnut, yellow poplar, red cedar, and white pine. H. 101 3/4", W. 43 1/8", D. 26". (Courtesy, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.)
Figure 10
Drawing showing detail of the interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 9. (Artwork, Wynne Patterson.)
Figure 11
Desk-and-bookcase, Newport, Rhode Island, 1765–1785. Mahogany with cherry, chestnut, white pine, and yellow poplar. H. 106 3/4", W. 44 3/4", D. 24 7/8". (Courtesy, Yale University Art Gallery, Mabel Brady Garvan Collection.)
Figure 12
Detail of the interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 11.
Figure 13
Desk-and-bookcase, Newport, Rhode Island, 1765–1785. Mahogany with cherry, chestnut, and white pine. H. 113", W. 42 1/2", D. 25". (Courtesy, Christie’s.)
Figure 14
Detail of the interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 13. (Courtesy, Israel Sack, Inc.)
Figure 15
Desk-and-bookcase, Newport, Rhode Island, 1760–1770. Mahogany with maple, red cedar, white pine, and yellow poplar. H. 101", W. 45 1/2", D. 27". (Courtesy, Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design, bequest of Martha B. Lisle; photo, Gavin Ashworth.)
Figure 16
Detail of the bookcase interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 15. ( Bequest of Martha B. Lisle; photo, Gavin Ashworth.)
Figure 17
Detail of the desk interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 15. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle; photo, Gavin Ashworth.)
Figure 18
Desk-and-bookcase, Newport, Rhode Island, 1760–1770. Mahogany with cherry, chestnut, red cedar, white pine, yellow pine, and yellow poplar. H. 99 1/8", W. 44 5/8", D. 25 1/2". (Courtesy, Metropolitan Museum of Art, Rogers Fund, 1915.)
Figure 19
Detail of the interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 18.
Figure 20
Desk-and-bookcase, Newport, Rhode Island, 1765–1785. Mahogany with cherry, chestnut, maple, white pine, and yellow poplar. H. 99", W. 39 7/8", D. 23 5/8". (Courtesy, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, M. and M. Karolik Collection.)
Figure 21
Detail of the interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 20.
Figure 22
Desk-and-bookcase, Newport, Rhode Island, 1755–1770. Mahogany with cedrela, chestnut, maple, poplar, red cedar, white pine, and yellow poplar. H. 99 3/4", W. 44 1/2", D. 25 1/2". (Courtesy, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Bayou Bend Collection, gift of Miss Ima Hogg.)
Figure 23
Detail of the bookcase interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 22.
Figure 24
Detail of the desk interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 22.
Figure 25
Drawing showing the construction of the lower case of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. Adapted from Jeffrey P. Greene, American Furniture of the 18th Century. (Courtesy, Taunton Press).
Figure 26
Detail of the foot construction of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle; photo, Gavin Ashworth.)
Figure 27
Detail of the lower case interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle; photo, Gavin Ashworth.)
Figure 28
Detail of the dovetail joints for a valance drawer and a larger drawer in the desk interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle.)
Figure 29
Detail of the rear surface of a valance drawer in the desk interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle.)
Figure 30
Detail of an applied block on the rear surface of an exterior drawer front of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle.)
Figure 31
Drawing showing the construction of the upper case of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. Adapted from Jeffrey P. Greene, American Furniture of the 18th Century. (Courtesy, Taunton Press.)
Figure 32
Drawing showing the construction of the desk fallboard and bookcase door of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. Adapted from Jeffrey P. Greene, American Furniture of the 18th Century. (Courtesy, Taunton Press.)
Figure 33
Detail of a quarter-column on the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 11.
Figure 34
Detail of the carved shells on the fallboard of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 11.
Figure 35
Detail of the interior of the lower case of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 11.
Figure 36
Detail of the carved shells on the fallboard of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle; photo, Gavin Ashworth.)
Figure 37
Detail of the pediment, doors, and a finial on the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle.)
Figure 38
Detail of a quarter-column on the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle; photo, Gavin Ashworth.)
Figure 39
Detail of a removable side panel in the bookcase interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle.)
Figure 40
Detail of the front foot of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle; photo, Gavin Ashworth.)
Figure 41
Detail of the carved shells on the fallboard of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 7.
Figure 42
Detail of the carved shells on the fallboard of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 15. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle; photo, Gavin Ashworth.)
Figure 43
Detail of a quarter-column on the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 15. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle; photo, Gavin Ashworth.)
Figure 44
Detail of the bookcase interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle; photo, Gavin Ashworth.)
Figure 45
Detail of the bookcase interior of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 15. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle; photo, Gavin Ashworth.)
Figure 46
Detail of the dovetailed joint for an exterior drawer of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 1. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle.)
Figure 47
Detail of the dovetailed joint for an exterior drawer of the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 15. (Bequest of Martha B. Lisle.)
Figure 48
Photograph showing the desk-and-bookcase illustrated in fig. 22 prior to conservation. (Courtesy, Robert W. Symonds Collection, Visual Resources, Winterthur Library.)