Jar, Paul Cushman, Albany, New York, 1805–1833. Salt-glazed stoneware. H. 14 1/8". Stamp: PAUL:CUSHMANs / STONE•WARE•FACTORY (The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Gift of Paul Cushman, 2002.)
The author with a selection of Cushman stoneware. Photo, ca. 1980.
Paul Cushman. Engraving. From Henry Wyles Cushman, A Historical and Biographical Genealogy of the Cushmans: The Descendants of Robert Cushman, the Puritan, from the Year 1617 to 1855 (Boston: Little, Brown, 1855).
James Eights, “STATE and PEARL STREETS, ALBANY. 1806.” Colored engraving. After a circa 1850 watercolor.
Mark Reynolds, Diorama of the Albany waterfront painted on the wall in the hallway of the author’s Manhattan apartment, 2004.
Jar, Paul Cushman, Albany, New York, 1809. Salt-glazed stoneware. H. 7". Impressed mark: 1809 PAUL•CUSHMAN’s• STONE•WARE FACTORY• / HALF • A MILE WEST OF ALBANYGOAL (Unless otherwise noted, all objects from the author’s collection; photos, Gavin Ashworth.)
Jar, Paul Cushman, Albany, New York, 1809. Salt-glazed stoneware. H. 7 3/8". Impressed mark: 09PAUL•CUSHMAN•s•STONE•WARE•FACTORY1809PA
Jar, Paul Cushman, Albany, New York, ca. 1809. Salt-glazed stoneware. H. 9 1/2". Impressed mark: PAUL•CUSHMAN STONE•WARE•FACTORY
Jar, Paul Cushman, Albany, New York, ca. 1809. Salt-glazed stoneware. H. 7 1/2". Impressed: PAUL:CUSHMAN
Jar, Paul Cushman, Albany, New York, 1805–1833. Salt-glazed stoneware. H. 7 3/8". Impressed mark: PAUL:CUSHMAN / STONE•WARE•FACTORY
Jar, Paul Cushman, Albany, New York, ca 1805–1833. Salt-glazed stoneware. H. 8 1/2". Impressed mark: PAUL: CUSHMAN
Jar, Paul Cushman, Albany, New York, 1805–1833. Salt-glazed stoneware. H. 9 1/4". Impressed mark: PAUL: CUSHMAN
Jugs, Paul Cushman, Albany, New York, 1805–1833. Salt-glazed stoneware. H. of the tallest 16 1/4". The jug on the left retains its label from the George McKearen Collection.
Jugs, Paul Cushman, Albany, New York, 1805–1833. Salt-glazed stoneware. H. of the tallest 15".
Crock, Paul Cushman, Albany, New York, 1805–1833. Salt-glazed stoneware. H. 7 1/4". Impressed: PAUL:CUSHMANS
Jar, Paul Cushman, Albany, New York, 1805–1833 Salt-glazed stoneware. H. 7 1/2". Impressed: PAUL:CUSHMAN
Pitcher, Paul Cushman, Albany, New York, 1805–1833. Salt-glazed stoneware. H. 12". Impressed: PAUL:CUSHMAN
Cooler, Paul Cushman, Albany, New York, 1818. Salt-glazed stoneware. H. 23 1/2". (Albany Institute of History & Art, bequest of James Ten Eyck.)
Jar, Paul Cushman, Albany, New York, 1809. Salt-glazed stoneware. H. 10". Rouletted marks: PAUL• CUSHMAN’s:STONE•WARE• FACTORY•1809 / HALF•A•MILE•WEST OF ALBANY•GOAL•. Incised inscription: A C Russell / Pott / Sunday. (Private collection.)
Views of the mouth (left) and base (right) of the jar illustrated in fig. 19.
Photograph of Paul Cushman the Second (1822–1895), ca. 1870.
Jug, probably New York, ca. 1870. Salt-glazed stoneware. H. 8 3/4". Inscribed in cobalt blue: P. Cushman Co. / Wines Brandies &c. / 367 & 378 Broadway / Albany / NY
Photograph of Harry Curtis Cushman (1857–1918), ca. 1910.
Portrait of the author, ca. 2007, holding a jug made by his great-grandfather.