George Healy (1813–1894), after Gilbert Stuart (1755–1828), Portrait of Thomas Jefferson, 1860. Oil on canvas. 29 1/2 x 24 1/2". (Museums at Washington and Lee University.)
Pot de crème from the “J” service, Jingdezhen, decorated in Guangzhou (Canton), China, 1790–1792. Hard-paste porcelain. H. 3". (Courtesy, Sandy and Ched Cluthe Collection.)
Plate from the “J” service, Jingdezhen, decorated in Guangzhou (Canton), China, 1790–1792. Hard-paste porcelain. D. 9 1/2". (Private collection; photo, Robert Hunter.)
Detail of the plate illustrated in fig. 3.
Jug from the “J” service, Jingdezhen, decorated in Guangzhou (Canton), China, 1790–1792. Hard-paste porcelain. H. 9 1/4". (Courtesy, Cincinnati Art Museum.)
Detail of the jug illustrated in fig. 5.
Caleb Lyon, ca. 1855–1865. (Brady-Handy Collection, Library of Congress.)
Cup from the service made for Christopher Gore, Jingdezhen, decorated in Guangzhou (Canton), China, 1790–1792. Hard-paste porcelain. H. 2 3/4". (Courtesy, Sandy and Ched Cluthe Collection.)
Raleigh DeGeer Amyx, 2009. (Courtesy, The Raleigh DeGeer Amyx Collection.)
Bowl from the “WMP” service, Jingdezhen, decorated in Guangzhou (Canton), China, 1790–1792. Hard-paste porcelain. D. 9 5/8". (Private collection; photo, Robert Hunter.)
Detail of the bowl illustrated in fig. 10.
Teapot, Josiah Wedgwood & Sons, Ltd., Staffordshire, England, ca. 1871. Creamware. L. 8 1/4". This reproduction of Lyon’s “Elder Brewster Teapot” was commissioned by the Boston retailer Richard Briggs & Co. (Private collection; photo, Robert Hunter.)
Detail of the teapot illustrated in figure 12.