Jug sherds, Liverpool, ca. 1785–1790. Creamware. (Photos, courtesy Coastal Environments, Inc.) The transfer print commemorates the Revolutionary War with the “Success to the United States of America” pattern.
Fragments of hand-painted polychrome vessels found at the Dortch site, Staffordshire, ca. 1795–1799. Pearlware.
Hand-painted blue teawares, Staffordshire, ca. 1780–1799. Pearlware. Scale is in inches and centimeters
Transfer-printed blue wares from the Dortch site, Staffordshire, ca. 1790–1799. Pearlware. The sherd at the upper left was fashioned into a gaming piece.
Flower bowl, England, eighteenth century. Tin-glazed earthenware. Examples of English delft are rarely found on Louisiana sites. Scale is in inches and centimeters.