Invoice, Davenport Brothers, New York, 1861. (Authors’ collection; all photos, Gavin Ashworth.)
Figure 2
Plate, England, 1855–1860. Ironstone. D. 8 3/4". Brown printed importer’s mark: “MANUFACTURED / FOR / DAVENPORT BROs../ 203 Greenwich St../ N Y.” Unfortunately, the plate does not bear a potter’s mark or pattern name.
Figure 3
Detail of the mark on the underside of the plate illustrated in fig. 2.
Figure 4
Invoice, Stein, Wanner & Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1856. The invoice bears a vignette with a white granite pitcher and lists wares sold to Fahnestock Brothers in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Figure 5
Pitcher, William Adams and Son, Tunstall, Staffordshire, 1850–1860. White granite. H. at handle 10". Mark: printed on underside, American eagle and “SUPERIOR WHITE GRANITE.” This pitcher is very close in form to the one in the center of the vignette on the invoice illustrated in fig. 4.
Figure 6
Invoice, Stirk, Field & Co., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 29, 1861. The vignette shows the facade of the company’s building with a sign for “QUEENSWARE” and, on the street below, a typical Staffordshire crate being unpacked. The invoice is for a list of wares sold to Fahnestock Brothers.
Figure 7
Muffin plate, Joseph Clementson, Shelton and Hanley, Staffordshire, ca. 1839–1855. Whiteware. D. 5". Mark: on underside, printed in brown, “S. FAHNESTOCK / IMPORTER.” Samuel Fahnestock founded the firm that became Fahnestock Brothers in 1855. The plate decoration is the Lucerne pattern.
Figure 8
Detail of the importer’s mark on the underside of the muffin plate illustrated in fig. 7.
Figure 9
Cost of painted teas, edged plates, and dipped bowls as a percentage above the cost of CC ware, 1796–1859: painted teas, edged plates, dipped bowls.
Figure 10
Value of imported English ceramics, 1828–1886. Source: U.S. Treasury Reports
Figure 11
Market share of imported ceramics, 1828–1888. Source: U.S. Treasury Reports
Figure 12
Transcription of a notice dated July 1, 1864, in which D. B. Stedman & Co., Boston, Massachusetts, announced a 50 percent price increase. The original is in the Warshaw Collection of Business Americana-Pottery, Archives Center, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
Figure 13
Percentage of undecorated teas (CC and White Granite wares) listed in the invoice sample.
Figure 14
Percentage of undecorated plates (CC and White Granite wares) listed in the invoice sample.
Figure 15
Percentage of undecorated bowls (CC and White Granite wares) listed in the invoice sample.
Figure 16
Percentage of decorated teas (Painted and Printed) listed in the invoice sample.
Figure 17
Percentage of decorated plates (Edged and Printed) listed in the invoice sample.
Figure 18
Percentage of decorated bowls (Painted, Dipped, and Printed) listed in the invoice sample.
Figure 19
Bowls, Don Carpentier, East Nassau, New York, ca. 1995. Earthenware. D. of bowl at right 6 1/2". The three bowls shown are reproductions of dipped ware: variegated, fan, and mocha.
Figure 20
Bowls, Staffordshire, ca. 1830–1850 (left), ca. 1850–1880 (right). Whiteware. D. of bowl at left 4 1/2", H. 2 3/4". The bowl at left was turned, the one at right was jiggered.
Figure 21
Saucer, England, ca. 1780–1800. China glaze. D. 4 7/8".
Figure 22
Saucer, Ralph and James Clews, Staffordshire, ca. 1818–1834. Pearlware. D. 6".
Figure 23
Saucer, Staffordshire, ca. 1810–1820. Pearlware. D. 5 1/8". The painted decoration on the border is a classical husk pattern.
Figure 24
Saucer, Staffordshire, ca. 1830– 1835. Whiteware. D. 5 7/8". This example has a thick border of strawberries painted in chrome colors, a more complex design than found in many patterns of the period.
Figure 25
Saucer, Staffordshire, ca. 1845– 1860. D. 5 3/4". The very small sprigs decorating this saucer are painted in chrome colors. On one side the rim has a thicker glaze with a light blue tint—clearly meant to make a whiter ware rather than to imitate Chinese porcelain.
Figure 26
Saucer, England, ca. 1845–1880. Whiteware. D. 5 3/4". The decoration on this saucer was achieved using four different cut sponges, with the exception of the black stem of the plant, which was painted by hand.
Figure 27
Percentage above the cost of CC ware for printed teas, plates, and bowls.
Figure 28
The changing cost relationship between CC, shell-edged, and printed plates.
Figure 29
Average discounts on 122 Staffordshire invoices for ceramics exported to America.
Figure 30
Plate, John Turner, Lane End, Staffordshire, ca. 1790–1806. China glaze. D. 7 3/4". Turner went bankrupt in 1806.
Figure 31
Plate, probably J. and R. Riley, Burslem, 1814–1828. Pearlware. D. 9 7/8".
Figure 32
Plate, Staffordshire, ca. 1818–1830. Pearlware. D. 10 1/8". The plate has a rim blemish, which would have made it a “second” in quality.
Figure 33
Plate, S. & S., ca. 1845–1860. Ironstone. D. 10 1/2". Marks: impressed on underside, “KERR’S / OLD CHINA HALL / PHILA.”; printed in blue on underside, “ONTARIO / S & S” within decorative border. “Ontario” refers to the pattern.
Figure 34
Detail of the mark on the underside of the plate illustrated in fig. 33.
Figure 35
Plate, Livesley Powell & Co., Hanley, Staffordshire, 1851–1866. Whiteware. D. 9". The Rose and Bell sheet pattern is printed in purple with red and blue painted highlights.
Figure 36
Plate, Staffordshire, ca. 1860–1870. Ironstone. D. 9 1/2". Marks: None. The plate’s border is decorated with floral sprays, and the center shows a group of floral sprays with a flag, plus a liberty cap vignette that was commonly used during the Civil War.