Charles Chamberland (1851–1908). (Courtesy, Institut Pasteur.)
“Filtre Chamberland, Système Pasteur,” 1894 U.S. patent drawing.
Filter nipple for the “Filtre Chamberland, Système Pasteur,” Choisy-le-Roi, after 1884. Porcelain. H. 1 5/8". Marks: “F: FILTRE CHAMBER[LAND] . . . [S]YSTÈME PASTEUR . . . H. B. & CIE CHOISY-LE-ROI / BTÉ S.G.D.G.” (Photos, the author.)
Filter sherds, including the porous bougie and the glazed nipple.
Advertisement, published in Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly 36, no. 2 (August 1893): 133. The ad confirms that the Chamberland filter was being sold in Canada, Mexico, and the United States by early 1893.